Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis
“All things change, and we change with them.”

Please note that this blog spans a broad period of time. The intervening years have brought many things into my life, including divorce and remarriage. As such, some older posts reference a relationship which is no longer active. In context, however, the portrayal is accurate.

For many reasons, I have chosen to let entries such as this one remain in the overall continuity of the site.

Went and saw ‘The Time Machine’ tonight. It had been a battle. Sandberg wanted to go and see something artistic and depressing, preferably in another language… while I, having missed ‘Ocean’s Eleven’ when it was out, wanted to go and see something fun and enjoyable. My plan was to drink too many beers at dinner and then sit and do MST-3K to the movie.

Unfortunately, the movie was diverting enough that I never had the chance to make fun of it — save it for video, I suppose.

We came out of the theater to find ourselves in white out conditions. It was sixty degrees this morning. It’s eighteen degrees tonight. The roads were full of sliding cars crawling through vast expanses of blinding, drifting snow.

I want to put on my boots, a coat, and a hat and wander through the wind, watching the streets slowly disappear under a fine white grit.

It’s March 9th. Looks like Perspehone decided to stay a few extra weeks with her beau.