Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis
“All things change, and we change with them.”

Please note that this blog spans a broad period of time. The intervening years have brought many things into my life, including divorce and remarriage. As such, some older posts reference a relationship which is no longer active. In context, however, the portrayal is accurate.

For many reasons, I have chosen to let entries such as this one remain in the overall continuity of the site.

Sandberg and the kids left yesterday morning, gone for six weeks.

Six weeks.

Forty days and forty nights . . . or thereabouts.

Came home last night, ran in the graveyard, watered the plants, and made dinner.

Knocked around the house, listening to Neil Gaiman read Coraline.

The cats followed me around, suspicious. Like they were trying to guess where I hid the bodies. Caught one of them in the basement, checking the floor for soft spots.

I told them, the cats, that everyone is just on vacation . . . but I could tell they didn’t believe me.

Cats have no trust.

Stayed up too late, reading. Turned off the lights in the kids’ rooms, said goodnight to the empty beds, and went to sleep.

In the morning, this morning, I found out how late I sleep when the battery in my alarm clock wears out. Made it to work just in time to be an hour and a half late.

Six more weeks.