Put up a few new pictures — one for each of my brothers, a few of Sam and Julia. I’m not a photographer but I’ve been pleased with how much Photoshop will let me disguise my shortcomings somewhat. There’s about sixty more waiting in the to be done folder, lots of odd objects and people that I’ve picked up over the few months and haven’t had time to fiddle with yet. More to come over the next few weeks, I expect . . . although I’m woefully behind on ghost pictures as well. There’s a week’s worth waiting to be posted. Perhaps tomorrow night.
Got a note late last night from Amazon that my order for the CD of Neil Gaiman reading Coraline is finally on its way. I’ve spent the past week or so clicking through the Coraline website, trying to catch all the rats so I can hear them sing.
We’re reading The Red Boy tomorrow at the Workshop. It’s a group of playwrights and actors getting together to read things and give feedback. Only mildly apprehensive about it. Honest.