Alice in Wonderland

Word in this past weekend from a company in Southern California that wants to produce my Alice script sometime late next summer.

So that’s good news.


Been working on a number of projects over the past few weeks (rewriting a few things that desperately need it, finishing up a new version of an old play, beating “The Odyssey” through it’s fifth draft).

But it feels like a lot of activity without anything to show for it. Nothing’s done yet. And I’m still looking to finish out the year with five (or more) solid scripts for submission.

I may also, if time permits, begin writing a novel. Last year I started a story for my children a few weeks before Christmas. I realized, twenty pages into it, that it was far too dark and scary for Christmas . . . and that it was the third or fourth chapter in a longer story. So I’ve been doing some research, making lots of notes, and staring at these pictures of the kids.

Actually, I started writing it tonight. In longhand.

We’ll see how it goes.