The Village Voice | The Spoils of War

“The doctrine of the preemptive strike is the perfect strategy for ushering in a new century of neocolonialism, unfettered by any need to respect sovereignty or self-determination. Better still, it’s going to mean big bucks for whoever gets in on the ground floor. Before the war can begin, the movers and shakers in Washington and around the world have their eyes on divvying up the spoils.”

Is there anyone out there who believes even for a moment the claims that Bush and Company have not yet made up their minds about invading Iraq?

Of course we’re going to war. Of course thousands of innocent civilians will die. Of course there will be long term repercussions from the decision and almost certainly more terrorist attacks against the US and our lapdogs (oops, sorry, I meant to say “allies”).

And, of course, someone is going to make a killing off of all of it.

If you want to know where the buck stops, do a Google search on “Bush Carlyle War” and start reading.