Alright, yes, it occurs to me that I should mention that Tolkien and Wolfe bear absolutely no similarity to each other — either in style or content or anything else. The resemblance is that each of them, in very different ways, have created credible worlds in which their stories are played out. There aren’t many writers doing this — or, at least, not doing it well.

Speaking of bad writing — the lovely and talented Jack Baty was kind enough to set up some monitoring mechanisms for the new site and I’m pleased to see that someone out there is reading the plays. Well . . . downloading them, at any rate.

Love to hear from you, if you’re still out there…

In other news: We’ll be reading ‘The Odyssey’ on the 25th or 26th of January. Still need some voices, so if you’re an actor with a free night, drop me a line. No audience, just a group of people sitting around my dining room table reading to each other.

Going to go read now. I was selling a friend on The Sandman earlier this week and it’s put me in the mood to read back through it all again. Although perhaps, not tonight — at least, not all of it.