And speaking of divination…

It might just be the normal transition from winter to spring, but there are a hell of a lot of dead animals everywhere all of a sudden. In addition to the usual assortment of roadkill (squirrels, possums, raccoons, skunks) I’ve seen two deer by the side of the road — including one in a more suburban, industrial park neighborhood (meaning, not a place I’d expect to see deer).

This has been going on for days . . . and I’ve been seeing it happen more often, as well. Driving to work, driving to pick up the kids, every day for a week or so, I’m seeing one or two cars running something down, leaving it crushed or (worse still) flipping and twisting in the road.

Last night it was my turn, driving back late from meeting out by the lakeshore, something large and grey decided to take a shot at threading the needle between my headlights.

No reaction time, not even to break or swerve.

Glimpse, bang, over.

Lots of death out there right now.

Stay on the sidewalk kids, look both ways…