April Site Stats

Right. So one person found this site in April by typing “dreadful or scoundrel or favoring or ladanum or fibrotuberculosis” into a search engine. Hope they got what they were looking for. And the same goes for the people who typed in “burt ward porno pictures” and “leather straightjacket” (I can only assume it was different people).

And, on an entirely different note, I believe I’ve discovered why so many people were downloading my adaptation of Alice in Wonderland. I heard today that a theatre company in California will be certainly producing it in the later part of the summer. My kids will be out there and may get to see it. Perhaps now they’ll be a bit more impressed.

Now, if only I could figure out why people are downloading The Snare. It’d give me a lot of joy to see that one produced again.

April numbers were a little down, kids. See what you can do. And stop spending all your time on the webcam. There’s some good writing hidden away here too, you know.

By the way, there’s some new pictures up. Over the next few days, look for some new poems as well. Some of them are about sex.

That should help bump the stats up in May.