Poetic Divination | Walls

“Walls” by Constantine P Cavafy

With no consideration, no pity, no shame,

they have built walls around me, thick and high.

And now I sit here feeling hopeless.

I can’t think of anything else: this fate gnaws my mind –

because I had so much to do outside.

When they were building the walls, how could I not have noticed!

But I never heard the builders, not a sound.

Imperceptibly they have closed me off from the outside world.

And another, later in the day…

“Memory of April” by William Carlos Williams

You say love is this, love is that:

Poplar tassels, willow tendrils

the wind and the rain comb,

tinkle and drip, tinkle and drip–

branches drifting apart. Hagh!

Love has not even visited this country.