Three Thousand Words

An entrance, a novelty, and a self portrait. More new pictures coming in a few days.

For what it’s worth, Bubba is a yellow pickup truck that my dad uses to drive around the ranch and pull up stumps and whatever other manly tasks end up requiring his attention.

While I was writing this morning, the Young Darkness came into the kitchen and asked me what I was drinking. “Tea . . . Do you want some?”

Lots of sugar, some milk, and Sam had his first cup of proper tea. And then Julia came in, not wanting to be left out.

A good morning. Drinking tea with the kids and writing a poem on assignment. I got ten words before I left, ten words to spark some writing while I’m gone. This morning it was “ribbon” and I’m pretty pleased with the results. Watch this space.

Another day out in the heat, a carload of sweaty kids and a puzzle: The car overheating every time we went around a turn. Which wouldn’t necessarily be a problem, except that the roads here wind and curve every hundred yards or so.

Back at the ranch now, everyone is taking a rest.

Time to write for a bit. I’ve got ten words — one down, nine more to go.