In Like Flynt

With a brother and a mother who are both influential players in the Republican Party here in California, the topic of conversation has been frequently focused on the recall of Gray Davis, Arnold’s intentions, and whether or not Bill Simon (one of my brother’s candidates) will throw his hat into the ring.

For me, politics are kind of like religion — deeply personal things that are best left undiscussed with family and friends . . . Unless, of course, you don’t like your family and friends.

But now I am particularly pleased to see that a real contender has entered the fray. A man of conviction and integrity, someone so far removed from any political influence that his leadership would be controlled only by his conscience and boldness.

“California is the most progressive state in the union… I don’t think anyone here will have a problem with a smut peddler as governor.”

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the next governor of the great state of California . . . Larry Flynt.

(Hell, if Jesse “The Body” Ventura can get elected in Minnesota, what’s to stop Larry “Her Body” Flynt?)