That’s a lot of rabbits, George.
We had rabbits as kids, my brothers and me. Our dog, Muffin, pretty much went through them on a regular basis, like a chainsaw. Sweet little dog, vicious as hell.
My rabbit was named Shawn, after my cousin.
Ten years ago, I bought a rabbit — cute little black and white feller that I named Kafka until I noticed that the lapine in question was, um, female. I deftly shifted her name to Puca, after a variety of Irish goblin.
Puca was pretty high strung. She used to growl and scratch and bite strangers. Although, when I was writing at my desk in the evenings, she would hop up in my lap and let me stroke her ears.
She died when the family we gave her to left her out in the yard and the family dog ran her to death. No attack, just ran her and ran her and ran her until her heart gave out.
A lesson for us all.