To Be Brief

Have just returned from a rather long car trip to Chicago, taking the kids to see ‘The Lion King’ which was as beautiful (thanks to Julie Tamor) and horrible (thanks tp Disney) as I expected it to be.

Pleasantly surprised to find a message from a theatre in California who are interested in doing my adaptation of Alice in Wonderland. It’s rapidly becoming my most popular script (thanks to John, who asked me to write it god-only-knows-how-many-years-ago, and Shannon, who was the first one to direct it). So that was nice.

And this past week I found out that the director who asked me to adapt Homer’s ‘The Odyssey’ is still interested in the script. Which was also good news, although the script still needs one more draft (number ten, actually) before I’ll let it go off into the world on its own. So that was nice and, actually, a little annoying as well as I should have had it all packed and ready to go by now.

It’s late. I’m very tired but not sleepy yet.

About fifteen minutes into ‘The Lion King’ tonight, I started writing a review in my head — playing with how Dorothy Parker would have reviewed it: “Dear mom and dad . . . After six years of training at Julliard, I find I am at the pinnacle of my career, playing a cartoon bird. Please do not rent my old room. Will be home on the next train…”