No . . . I don’t believe it . . . it’s not possible…

Your appearance now is what we call ‘residual self image’. It is the mental projection of your digital self.

— Lawrence Fishburne as Morpheus in ‘The Matrix’

A few months back, I was accused of being obsessed with ‘The Matrix’ movies to the point of destroying my life. I like the movies, sure — but let’s not be absurd. I can destroy my life without any outside help.

Besides, if I were to jack into the Matrix, my residual self memory would not be some supercool, armed-to-the-teeth black-trenchcoated stud in opaque eyewear.

Nope, in The Matrix, I’d probably wake up wearing a bowler hat and a grass skirt — the coconut brassiere being, I suppose, optional.

(‘Revolutions’ is now available for pre-order on Amazon, by the way.)