Keeping Abreast of New Trends in Beverage Marketing
From time to time, the conversation here turns to the subject of milk, meat, and other topics mammalian.
I don’t remember who first asked me if I’d ever tasted “it.” But I remember that it was Tracy who broke my embarrassed silence with “You know you have, just admit it.”
Things got weirder from there and the capstone of the conversation was not when Tracy suggested that celebrities (Pamela Anderson, for example) could make millions bottling and selling “it” — no, it was when she remarked that other dairy products (yogurt, cheese, etc.) could be marketed as well.
I shuddered at the thought but I had to admit that Tracy was onto something.
Somebody would definitely buy “it.”
And the reality is that we’ve all had “it” at some point in our infancy — well, most of us.
Is drinking “it” as an adult any different than drinking a glass of cow’s milk every day?
Actually, I think the cross-species drinking might be a bit more disgusting in the abstract. I think we’re the only species that does that sort of thing.
They must think we’re absolutely nuts, the other animals.
So yeah, Tracy. I’ve tasted “it” and — unlike this guy — I’m fine leaving it at that.