Time Travel Dilemma

Stephen Sondheim and Andrew Lloyd Webber were both born on this day (although on different years).

Kind of brings new life to the “If you had a gun with only one bullet in it…” question, eh?

Just think, by removing one day from the calendar, we could spare millions of people the exquisite agony of suffering through the rather-have-a-root-canal ‘Merrily We Roll Along’ or ‘Cats’ ever again.

And that goes double for ‘Phantom’, triple for ‘Into the Woods’, and I don’t have enough exponents to spare for ‘Company’ or ‘Passion’ or ‘Sweeney fucking Todd’.

Also, removing that one day would dislocate William Shatner, Karl Malden, and Marcel Marceau from history as well.

That’s quite a list. Makes you wonder if the Gods of Annoying Mediocrity have a master plan in place, no?

It’s a terrible saving grace when Shatner justifies your existence in history.