The Conversation: The Otter Box

“If you had a waterproof, shockproof box, what would you keep in it?”

“Um . . . Crackers?”


“Matches . . . tampons?”


“Are you going to write about this on your website?”



“Let me see it . . . it’s called an ‘Otter Box’?”


“That’s what it’s called?”


“Well, that makes me want to put tampons in it more than ever.”


“I just don’t believe that it’s waterproof.”

“We should test it.”

“Okay . . . got a tampon?”

“Yeah, but you’re going to have to open it.”

“Well, okay, but I’ve never done that before. Do they come with instructions on the outside, like a Band-Aid?”

(I suppose most of this can be blamed on Tracy…)