Fight for the Future
In a few minutes, you won’t be able to read this website.

Like so many others, I’m joining the blackout on January 18th to protest the SOPA/PIPA legislation being considered by the US Congress.

If you don’t know what SOPA or PIPA are, let me summarize: SOPA and PIPA are ill-conceived, poorly drafted legislation created by people who readily admit their ignorance of the very technologies they are attempting to control.

Better yet, watch this…

No matter your politics, faith, ethnicity, or social class, you care about this.

I know you do because you are on the Internet right now.

You look at websites. You read blogs. You watch videos. You connect with friends on Facebook and Twitter. You read the news. You listen to music and read books. You do research. You buy stuff.

This legislation has the likely potential to dramatically, negatively impact how all of those things function. It has the potential to ruin everything that makes the Internet what it is.

This isn’t hysteria, this isn’t some crackpot fringe conspiracy theory.

Get the facts, take a look at who stands in opposition. And don’t forget to contact your representatives to make sure your voice is heard.