It’s been a very busy couple of weeks (or months) and I’ve spent a fair amount of time over the past couple of days getting caught up and back on track with regards to the novel. I don’t know how successful I’ve been but I know a few things.
First, I know what Juniper wants. This had been a mystery to me for quite a while. But I think I’ve found it . . . even if, hate to say, readers will still be mystified.
Second, and more importantly, I’m fairly certain I know why he wants it.
Also, there’s a new cat here (in real life, not in the novel). He was a stray that somehow just ended up getting taken in and cleaned up and Vetted and here we are now. He’s called Chesterton — which, Keeley tells me, means fortress or (appropriately enough) camp.
Vincent is putting up with him for now, so that’s okay. They’re both sitting here, on opposite sides of the couch, taking baths and generally trying to ignore each other as much as possible. They still fight sometimes, usually early in the morning. It happens.
Some good work tonight. I am happy about it and feel glad to have been the one writing it.
And now it’s time for bed.