Last night I ran a word count and was happy to see that I’ve passed 75,000 words. That’s how much of the second draft is done.
It seems like a lot — but only if you don’t realize how much more there is left to write. I think I’m going to get close to 175,000 by the time this draft is done.
The third draft might actually add another 25,000, if I’m not careful.
And I’m not.
I can’t even think about what I might need to do to the fourth draft (if there is one).
Lots of time this weekend to keep working, more than I usually have. Will I get to 100,000 words? Honestly, I don’t know.
At any rate, I’m writing tonight — just me and Glenn Gould until Keeley gets home.
Well. We’re heading into what is the saddest part of the story — at least, I think so — so I had better get back to it…