Spent a fairly miserable time over the past few days, dealing with some sort of bug I picked up on Father’s Day — which was, conversely, a wonderful time out at Aurohn Lake with most of my favorite people.

Unclogging the Grate

It wasn’t all food poisoning and friends, either. I acquitted myself admirably by clearing a number of logs and muck that were clogging the runoff grate on the dam. A close inspection of the debris showed telltale teeth marks. Looks like the rumors are true: There are now beaver living in the lake.

Out in California, most of the rest of them are gathering for a week in Santa Cruz. I might still be able to make it, if the lottery gods finally pony up. Otherwise, I’ll have to lump it here in the Midwest.

The third book (working title to follow just as soon as I make up something clever) is coming along in little nudges. I don’t have a good read on how long it’s going to take me to get it to the end of the first draft but I think I can see the end way, way, way out there if I squint and shade my eyes.

End of the year, let’s say that for now. I reserve the right to completely blow past my own deadline, should the need arise.

Speaking of gods, there are a couple of t-shirts from WearScience.com that are just cool enough to make me wish I’d seen them before my birthday. I especially like this one and this one.

But this one, is nigh unto irresistible.

Other flotsam and jetsam…

I’d like to believe that I would create animated films like this one if I had any kind of graphic talent at all. As such, I’ll have to content myself with words alone.

Speaking of which, I’m delighted to report that my story Summer Salt will be featured in an upcoming episode of the Cthulhu Podcast. Yay.

Also, I expect to have the delayed Other Super Secret Podcast will get pushed out there as well. Possibly.

No words from agents and publishers. With respect to that nice fellow over there, I’m already writing the next thing. It’s all I can do, really.
