Playgrounds and Mazes

Sitting at lunch with Stan Greene this afternoon, getting caught up.

Stan asks about my father and says that he (Stan) still uses a story

that my dad told him about six or seven years ago, one about the

importance of structure and boundaries in an organization.

“Is this the Playground story?” I ask.

It is and I tell Stan about using his Maze illustration back when I was at Northwestern a few weeks ago.

While I’m telling him about it, my phone buzzes on the table and I ignore it.

Afterwards, in my car, I check messages. It was my dad calling. I call him back…

“Hey, guess who I just had lunch with.”

“Stan Greene.”

“Yeah. Guess who we were talking about when you called?”


Swings and roundabouts, mazes and boundaries.

Emotional shorthand and convergence.