Scientific American | The Dashboard for Dreams
“It could be that dreams are diagnostic,” Wegner suggests. “They may be important indicators of what we try not to think of during the day.”
Well, okay . . . but last night I had a very long dream about fountain pens.
You heard me right.
A few weeks back I had to pick up some things from a client’s offices downtown and I stopped in at an upscale stationer’s . . . Great Moon Monkey God, I never thought I’d see a fountain pen that cost nine hundred dollars that looked like it was worth nine hundred dollars.
Fountain pens. Gold and black and silver and sleek as all Hell. Beautiful and elegant and so finely made that they looked like artifacts from another world.
Etched nibs and enameled barrels and hand-tooled leather cases. I’m in love with them. I’ve always had a fetish for office supplies and I’ve seen the pinnacle of that obsession.
And now I’m dreaming about them.