Shadow, Mirror . . . Urinal?

A marketing company here in town just landed a big contract with a urinal manufacturer, proudly announcing their new relationship in a local business paper. One of our friends works for the marketing company and we were discussing the various ways we could lovingly mock him and his efforts to service his new client. We ran through the obvious options like sending him questions about whether or not urinal cakes are color-coded and, if so, what do the colors signify? Or just vaguely sniffing the air and making a face, asking if anyone “smells something funny” whenever he’s around.

Tracy came up with the idea of sending him a picture of a urinal every day, just to help him stay ahead of the competition.

So I went and dug up an e-mail from a friend (no link — get a damn site, Mo). It’s sites like this one that make The Mirror and Shadow projects look piss-poor by comparison.

(Sorry, bad joke…)