It is almost impossible not to either love or hate the books. If you love magic, the occult, or witches, you will be jumping with glee. If you do not believe witchcraft is a name to be played with, then you cannot be anything but concerned. Remember, if you do not believe in playing the devil’s games, this series of books has a name for you and it isn’t meant to be complimentary. You are called a “muggle†and these books paint you as a loser or a know-nothing nobody. That’s talking about us, the Bible-believing Christians.
Yeah, well, as a Bible-believing Christian, I got a better name for you, bub.
I’ve read the books, I think they’re boring, derivative, and poorly written. But my son loves ’em. He went to a release party last night at one of the local bookstores and had a blast . . . I’m relatively certain he’s not going to go to Hell for being at that party or for reading the books.
And if he’s tempted into experimenting with witchcraft or Satanism or (even worse) ends up being a registered Democrat, it won’t be because of Harry Potter. I want full credit for myself.