diseased wits | Kevin White

Except for a brief period in college, I never picked up a camera, never took a picture . . . until I saw Kevin work his magic.

He takes a camera with him everywhere, like me with my notebook, stealing things that he sees and bringing them back home to play with.

Watching the way he looks at things, seeing what he does with the things he captures . . . well, he woke me up, made me realize that there’s a lot more than words inside my head.

And, completely unselfish, he’s even been kind enough to show me how he does things so that I can capture what I see.

Sitting behind him, watching him work, is like the little brother watching the big brother shave, asking questions the whole time. Which he always, patiently, answers.

Click on the calendar at the right hand side to see the beautiful images he posts, day to day.