| Fincher Bites Dogs

Set in the 1970s, this story is based on the rise — and sometimes the fall — of a group of brilliant young skateboarders raised in the mean streets of Dogtown in Venice California called The Zephyrs. The Z-Boys, as they come to be known, perfect their craft in the empty swimming pools of unsuspecting suburban homeowners, pioneering a thrilling new sport and eventually moving into legend.

Personally, I would’ve preferred his take on Kolchak. I can remember seeing that show a handful of times when I was younger, sneaking out to watch it from the hallway.

Kolchak was great. A lot of the things that I’ve enjoyed over the years have their roots in his world — particularly the variety and susepnce of The X-files and the smartass paranormal investigator from Hellblazer.

Every so often I get mailers from some video club or other offering me a free tape/DVD from a classic TV show (with the stipulation that I buy thirty-seven more before I die). ‘Kolchak’ is always on the list of choices and I’m always tempted.

But I never do. Maybe I’m afraid that watching the shows with older eyes will cause them to lose their mysetry and suspense. Maybe I’m afraid that there’s no way to recapture the delight of staying up late, sneaking out to watch a scary TV show and going back to bed along the dark hallway alone, delighted and afraid.

Maybe I’m just afraid.