My seven-year-old daughter has been sick for a couple of days. High fever, probably the flu.
She woke up tonight, sometime around 9 o’clock, frantic and consume dwith a fear that she could not (or would not) articulate.
Glassy eyed, staring… Looking from my face to the face of her mother… She would not answer our questions.
What’s wrong?
Are you going to be sick?
Did you have a bad dream?
Her hands shook. Her feet trembled. She did not answer.
Finally, after much questioning, she said “Tomorrow. I’m scared of tomorrow. The flashing lights.”
Maybe it was just a dream. Night terrors that she inherited from her mother or for me.
But I pray she didn’t inherit something more from me, that intermittent precognition that sometimes comes to me in dreams.
In my mind, her half dreaming words made me think of nuclear war.
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