the right to bear arms

…I’m stunned to see the President of the United States at the door. He bustles in before I can get my head around his sudden appearance.

He is alone and clearly in peril. He slams the door and locks it behind him, thanking me for letting him in. It is strange to see him scared, completely alone. I wonder where his Secret Service protection has gone.

He apologizes for the intrusion and removes his tattered coat. I notice he has a shoulder holster beneath.

My mother comes into the front hallway and is clearly displeased to see him in her home. She informs us that his interruption is right in the middle of ‘Dancing with the Stars’ and that she doesn’t “feel comfortable with that man having a loaded gun in the house.”

Her glare is withering.

I protest, saying it’s our duty to give him shelter and protection. But it’s clear that she’s unimpressed, perhaps because she didn’t vote for him. She returns to her program, leaving me to apologize to the President…


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