Category: echoes

  • music again

    In my office tonight, getting ready to sit down and write… I stop. Music. Unmistakeable. Somewhere, someone is playing music. The house is asleep. I’m the only one awake.  Yet there it is. Unmistakeable. I go out and stand on the front porch, just in case it’s a neighbor. Nothing. Back inside, the house is…

  • echo | the recursive old woman

    Another entry from one of my old journals, this time from 1996. It begins simply enough… I’m standing in front of a shelf full of journals and books in the dead man’s rooms. You can read the rest here.

  • echo | mother, father, cat

    I’m starting the process of transcribing dreams from my old journals. It’s interesting, to say the least. Leafing through those old notebooks, doing my best not to get drawn back into the past while I sift through these old pages for little scraps of dream. The first of these was just posted below. I’ll post…