After dinner, my wife runs to the store. My daughter and I play in my office.
The whole time, my skin is crawling. I have a sense that someone — or multiple someones — is passing through my office, moving past us unseen.
The sensation is uncanny, disquieting. My daughter seems not to notice.
When my wife returns, I make no mention of it.
As we’re getting our daughter ready for bath time, my wife heads upstairs for a towel.
She comes back into the room a minute later, unsettled. “I just saw a light move across the stairs.”
It was a white light, smallish. She saw it briefly. But she saw it.
We nod, matter of fact. Just another thing to add to the growing list of things we’ve noticed in the new house.
Later that night…
I’m finishing up a few things in my office, getting ready to head up to bed. I hear footsteps on the back stairs. They stop for a moment, then continue down.
I go out to look, assuming my wife came down to get some water.
She isn’t there.
I go back in my office. A few moments later, the footsteps again. This time on the front stairs.
I open both doors of my office, looking to the front and back of the house.
No one.
It’s worth noting that there is no odd feeling, no crawling skin or discomfort or fear.
No sense that anything is wrong.
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