the back stairs“There was something in the back hallway,” my wife tells me over dinner. “I saw it right before we were leaving.”

“What did you see?”

She thinks for a moment. “It was a blur in the air, almost shimmering. Just a movement…”

Gooseflesh on my arms, the back of my neck. “That’s interesting you say that.”


“Tell me what else you saw. What color was it?”

“A gray-blue, a movement like…” She mimes someone passing a hand over their head. “Like someone was throwing a hood over themselves.”

I nod, even though it’s not quite a match with what I saw the previous night.

I tell her that when I was down in the basement, just as I was closing the door, something walked towards me… A shimmer in the air, like a heat mirage.

Mine was brighter, nearly transparent, almost gold.

It was there, then it was gone.


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