Tag: afternoon
Napping this afternoon on the couch, I dream… …we’re sitting at the dining room table, my wife and I. I hear someone call “Tom” from the back hallway. I turn to see something there, down at the bottom of the steps — small and pale, almost like a child. “Don’t look!” my wife says just…
Sitting in my office this afternoon, working. A few moments ago I heard the distinctive sound of the light switch in the back hallway snapping on. A few moments later I heard it snap off. My wife and youngest daughter are napping upstairs. Before I heard the light switch, it was quiet and peaceful. No…
ghost weather
Early summer afternoon. Overcast skies. Waiting for storms. The house is gray. Quiet. Pale light from outside, dim within. The air still, dead. Every room feels empty and full at the same time. An unseen crowd gathers. Something around every corner. Watchful. Waiting. Patient.
little girls
Reported by my wife: A few days ago she and our daughter were in the back stairwell, getting ready to go for a walk. Once she got our daughter into her shoes, my wife sat down to put her own on. While she was doing this, our daughter went down the three steps to the…
lavender dress
My wife went to the market one afternoon this past weekend. The weather was warm and she was wearing a long lavender dress, very lovely. The dress has bare arms and drapes in a style reminiscent of a statue of a Greek goddess. While she was out, a flash of color caught my eye in…
the fuzzy pink octopus spider monster
This is the first dream I can remember — obviously, it’s not the first dream I ever had. That’s long gone now. But this is the earliest one I can remember… …we’re driving in the car, my two brothers and me. Out mother is behind the wheel. We’re on our way to the grocery store.…