Tag: Winterly

  • dancing

    …in the middle of an utterly boring and banal dream, I pass by a group of young women dancing on the sidewalk and one of them catches my eye. She motions to me, to get my attention, and mouths “Where have you been?” I keep walking, dragged along in the wake of my nonsense dream,…

  • Winterly

    My wife, her best friend, and I decide to drop acid for the first time. We lay back on the couch and each of us take the squishy pink pill and chew slowly. I only eat half of mine. I’m worried about what might happen if I take a whole one. In time, I stand…

  • Mister O

    Shut up in the darkness. “Leave her be, O, she’s in hell.” I demand her release from the Shadow Cupboard. A final kiss for my mistress and then I turned to look for my wife — seeing only a mad, wizened, blind creature scuttling in the darkness. Dear God. And I thought I was in…